
Listed here is a selection of representative publications by our team members from recent years. Full publication lists of our team members can be found on their individual homepages.

  • Heck, D. W., Thielmann, I., Moshagen, M., & Hilbig, B. E. (2018). Who lies? A large-scale reanalysis linking basic personality traits to unethical decision making. Judgment & Decision Making, 13, 356-371.
  • Henninger, F., Shevchenko, Y., Mertens, U. K., Kieslich, P. J., Hilbig, B. E. (2022). lab.js: A free, open, online study builder. Behavior Research Methods, 54, 556–573.
  • Hilbig, B. E., Moshagen, M., Thielmann, I., & Zettler, I. (in press). Making rights from wrongs: The crucial role of beliefs and justifications for the expression of aversive personality. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
  • Hilbig, B. E., Thielmann, I., Zettler, I., & Moshagen, M. (in press). The dispositional essence of proactive social preferences: The dark core of personality vis-à-vis 58 traits. Psychological Science.
  • Hilbig, B. E., Thielmann, I., & Böhm, R. (2022). Bending our ethics code: Avoidable deception and its justification in psychological research. European Psychologist, 27, 62-70.
  • Hilbig, B. E., Thielmann, I., Klein, S. A., Moshagen, M. & Zettler, I. (2021). The dark core of personality and socially aversive psychopathology. Journal of Personality, 89, 216-227.
  • Klein, S. A., Heck, D. W., Reese, G., & Hilbig, B. E. (2019). On the relationship between Openness to Experience, political orientation, and pro-environmental behavior. Personality and Individual Differences, 138, 344-348.
  • Klein, S. A & Hilbig, B. E. (2018). How virtual nature experiences can promote pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 60, 41-47.
  • Kroneisen, M. (2018). Is he important to me? Source memory advantage for personally relevant cheaters. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 25,1129–1137.
  • Kroneisen, M., & Bell, R. (2018). Remembering the place with the tiger: Survival processing can enhance source memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,25, 667-673.
  • Kroneisen, M. & Heck, D. W. (2020). Interindividual differences in the sensitivity for consequences, moral norms, and preferences for inaction: Relating basic personality traits to the CNI model. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1–14.
  • Moshagen, M., Hilbig, B. E., & Zettler, I. (2018). The dark core of personality. Psychological Review, 125, 656-688.
  • Thielmann, I., Hilbig, B. E., & Zettler, I. (2020). Seeing me, seeing you: Testing competing accounts of assumed similarity in personality judgments. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(1), 172–198.
  • Twardawski, M., Hilbig, B. E., & Thielmann, I. (2020). Punishment goals in classroom interventions: An attributional approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 26(1), 61-72.
  • Zettler, I., Thielmann, I., Hilbig, B. E., & Moshagen, M. (2020). The nomological net of the HEXACO model of personality: A large-scale meta-analytic investigation. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(3), 723-760.